Year: 2024

My AMAZING creature writing w(°o°)w🤯🤩

A long time ago there was a parallel universe. There is a population of 10 billion people in this world (including me). And in this world there are rumors about a land of mythical creatures and robots and anything you name it! But there is one bad thing about this island and that is that these creatures are very hostile so they will start to attack you if you get too close to them. And the people thought that they couldn’t come to their home islands but… one day, there was a giant monster made of metal I called him the Great Grand Plasma ENERGY BLASTER!(meanwhile the boring other people called him the WORLD DESTROYER, I mean it is pretty cool but not as cool as mine) but anyway he had a sword on his spine. And 2 big plasma blasters that shoot yellow and purple lasers. And one of his hands had a dagger on it. He also had a big crusher on his chest that he fed himself as fuel. it can also turn into a mind controlling power and he can stop time with the clock on his shoulder. He has small machine guns on his back that automatically pulled out when he was fighting somebody. He also has a shield on his left arm and he has radioactive heating seeking spikes on his feet. He also said that he was looking for someone called dr. quintavious Bartholomew the XXXXXXVIIIIth. Apparently he was the most powerful mastermind. It turns out he was a doctor in disguise. He is a doctor who steals people’s body parts and makes a colossal human being. He has a body part combiner which makes 2 small body parts to 1 big body part and he has been planning on making a huge human. Because it turns out that he knows that the island is real and he is going to invade the island until all of the mythical creatures are extinct he just needs 1 more brain to fuse into a very smart human.  He is planning to clone the huge human to take over the mythical world but like I said there is a huge titan that is trying to find dr. quintavious bartholomew the XXXXXXVIIIIth and at this point i have already told the titan what hospital dr. quintavious Bartholomew the XXXXXXVIIIIth is in but he is currently doing surgery on someone for their brain so that he can make his huge human titan he is almost finished the huge titan smashing through buildings is coming in hot finally dr. Quintavious Bartholomew the XXXXXXVIIIIth says i have it the final ingredient to conquering the whole wide world traveling from world to world with my time machine me and my huge human will be unstoppable he quickly runs to the body part combining machine boom (*activating countdown initiating the process 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) (*poof*) a cloud of smoke suddenly appears in front of him. Yes he says the body part combing  machine worked, he inserts the brain into the human and he has finally made his huge person KNOCK KNOCK KNOOOOOCK says the titan he has made it to his secret layer CRASH CRASH CRA BANG! The bunker has been broken but he cant fit so he has to dig into the ground to get in he tries to dig into the ground he has made it in the human hits the titan with a loud bang but then he tries to stomp the human he dodges he shoots him with his blaster he falls to the ground the titan tries to stomp him but once again he dives out of the way  SHEEEW POP SHEEEW POP SHEEEW POP he shots 3 more laser blaster the 2nd one hits he stabs his leg off with his sword hand and then he pretends to try and hit him and then stops time when the humans dodges and then swaps to stand right in front of him and shots three times NOOOOOO shouts dr. Quintavious Bartholomew the XXXXXXVIIIIth NOW YOU WILL PERISH says the titan CRASH! CRASH! CRASH! The whole bunker is starting to collapse SHKEEEPOW SHKEEEPOW SHKEEEPOW CRASH! The bunker fully collapses crushing dr. Quintavious Bartholomew the XXXXXXVIIIIth MY WORK IS DONE HERE says the titan and then he leaves to go back to his home but on the way it turns out that dr. Quintavious Bartholomew the XXXXXXVIIIIth called the FBI and the SWAT team to try and kill the titan SQUASH SQUASH SQUASH goes all of the vans and cars  NOW IF YOU’LL EXCUSE ME I’M GOING BACK TO MY ISLAND. But while he was on the way to his island it turns out his fuel had almost ran out so he quickly ran down to find the city meanwhile everybody was trying to fix the city and reheal dr. Quintavious Bartholomew the XXXXXXVIIIIth but it was to late the titan had already made it back to the state  with only 6 litres of fuel but he could only have 5 litres to keep himself running so he decided to eat some cars to try and burn off some time to try and get to a big building to eat but there doesn’t seem to be any around so he keeps marching but it turns out that the nearest city is about  5 minutes away so guess what he does welp he picks up all of the barns and hay bales and feeds them to his chest which leads to him sneezing.  and if you didn’t think that it was that bad for him to be sneezing welp try having a metal machine that is 73 meters high sneezing tiny explosions out of his nose on to you. Anyway he sneezes and then in the distance it turns out there is a city not that far away so he starts sprinting towards it and in at least 5 minutes he is already there and there it is the burj khalifa the tallest skyscraper on the planet earth. Now that he has enough fuel to travel back to his home he slowly marches towards the sea in the sunset. 


My day in the life of a polar bear writing ✨🥶🏔

A day in the life of
a polar bear
YAAAAAAWN* welp it’s time to get up my little cubs ok lets see what happened while i have been in hibernation. Awww man, all of the ice is all together. I have to smash the ice once again. Ok come on my cubs u are going to see what it is like outside for the first time. woah, that is some pretty harsh weather. Now we have to go hunting for seals lets go walk down to the river ok so this is how you break the ice so you have to lift your paws up and smash the ice like this until it breaks SMASH SMASH SMASH CRACK the ice is breaking now you try SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH okay you might need to be a little bit stronger to crack the ice oh look we have just encountered a seal let’s try to follow him until he gets tired out CRACK CRACK CRACK THUD oh this is really cold water now it used to be warm in the middle of summer but it is only just the start of this summer because here in the arctic there are only 2 seasons for 3 months it is summer and for 9 months it is winter which means I have quickly got to teach my cubs how to hunt with the time that i have ok so let’s quickly get this seal. *DIVE now where did that seal go oh there he is cmon I need to use my neck a bit more because that is the part of the reason that i can swim really good. MUNCH. Okay now it’s time to find that hole to feed this seal to my cubs. There is some food. Now I have got to go back into hibernation again.