icy glaciers

this week we were learning about glaciers because it was in our shared novel for this term called the wild robot protects and these two arrows pointing at the map are fox glacier and Franz Josef glacier they are both near each other Franz Josef glacier is in the west but fox glacier is in the south island

the vicious hawk

Sunlight dapples through golden autumn leaves as they drift slowly to the ground. Where trees start growing,trees grow fungus and mushrooms rise. As a cute little  squirrel pops his head out of a pile of leaves and he dashes through the autumn leaves floating to the ground. But he didn’t notice his bloodthirsty predator swooping down around him. The predator finally took action, his prey finally took action too as the brown and yellow hawk was swooping and the squirrel was running like the wind through the skinny branches. The squirrel took a big leap of faith into a big pile of dead leaves. The hawk notices him jump into the leaves and follows him the hawk rips out leaves the squirrel notices that light is coming through and he sees the hawk so he leaps out of the damp brown leaves. He landed hard on the ground but kept on running. The hawk was still on his tail swooping and diving but then the squirrel found a hole in the tree. He climbed up the tree as fast as a monkey. He scurried in the hole and he was safe for now…